The blind and deaf, but definitely NOT mute!

I was surprised to see the traffic in the morning…All cars stuck because nobody was willing to give anyone any space. Well, ofcourse I wasn’t really surprised, but it always gives me a heart break to see this mess, definitely haven’t gotten used to it in all these years. So I got down to express my anger my way…

Just that someone else might take up our space on the road is such a frightening thought for us…we refuse to understand it could be for our own good to give way. Then I think may be, we are a frightened nation…may be we believe somewhere in our subconscious that if someone takes our place/right, we’ll lose our right forever and never get it back…may be that’s why we scream at others..  to defend our rights?… because we are frightened?…. may be!…

I see we are ready to kill on roads, crush those who are walking or who are on bicycles..and God forbid one gives way to pedestrian or those on bicycle and slow down in the process!.. are you even partially prepared to take the wrath of those cars behind you, you got them a few seconds late, are you really ready to hear them swear, or get glared at to the soul…but thats only if you are lucky…i have seen hand gestures, and fountains of saliva pouring out of their windows…uhhh..because there is so much anger to express…in such little time… we’ve got so much to do in a day!

And then we are ready to kill in the name of blasphemy…and kill even those who do not share an opinion on the insulting stories about the Prophet. May be we are a ready-to-kill nation… why else would we be so ready to kill here?… because we love our prophet?…or because we follow him?… a little too much we follow him, don’t we? I condemn the insults and the falsehood of them, but I choose to forgive the ignorant. They didn’t know a tiny bit about my Prophet. I pray for them to come out of darkness. Of what I heard, the Prophet forgave. Of what I’ve read, the Prophet prayed in the favour of those who considered him their enemy. He believed in giving others their rights. He believed in giving, in spreading peace… I don’t see us follow him..not on roads, not in politics, not in schools, not in marriages.

Oh and about the traffic, the traffic warden finally came to help the congestion into some direction…and ofcourse heard the ranting from the overly energized poor sufferers in the traffic…not to forget with the hand gestures…   That Dog!!!!! who had to lead the flock in a direction…because we are too blind and deaf and paralyzed in heads to move in any order.. my poor suffering nation.. and we wait for a better leader to put us in a direction. Do you really think a certain khan will turn us humans suddenly.. Because if anything, we’ve had a leader for quite a put us in a direction…who we are keen and ready to kill for…whose name we are trying to guard and keep in high esteem… if only we realized, he is not dependent on us to keep him safe… we, on the contrary, can depend on him… to open our eyes…to rid us of our blindness…to see light before we are dirt.. We are given a chance to be more than just a herd of sheep in the wild!